Wednesday 27 January 2016

How Strong is your password?

Passwords passwords passwords! We love to hate them, how often do you change yours? how strong is it? your first line of defense is not your password, but securing your device physically :) Then your second line of defense is your password. A good password is at least 8 characters long one of which must be capitalized, within the 8 have a special character such as the # or $ and a number of combination of all these makes your password strong. It is also advised not to use your name. The on other challenge then is how do you remember the complex password you punch in? This can be a downside but you can make up a name that is simple, long and can have interchangeable  characters for numbers or special characters.
Here is an online tool to check how vulnerable your password is.

An example of a good password would look like this: #HelloFromthe0utside!
Test it with tool just for fun and see how long it would take to crack...
But a password is a safe as you keep it :)

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