You must have come across the requirement to change your password, and when you do please make
Pa5$w0rd1# would be considered strong, the challenge comes when you have several accounts that you must log onto and you cant use the same password for all of them, or you must change them every 72 days or so. The aim is to keep your data safe, but it ends up making lose your hair. Most people end up writing down complex passwords on a piece of paper defeating the very purpose of the password. Navigating this complex new reality of our life online, tools such as password managers come into play to ease our troubles as we learn how to navigate this new reality. The Challenge of the Password and the Post-it Note will be a formidable one, but it can be overcome. The right tools, the right knowledge, and the right actions will always prevail.
sure it's a strong password. This is not entirely new, but the requirement for what qualifies your password to be acceptable has changed so much. A strong password in most instances must have at least 8 characters, that is pretty simple, I can handle that, I'll just use my phone number, good try- Not so. Within the 8 Characters, you must have at least one uppercase, a special character, and a number. For example,
I recently read an article from Seth's Block which I found most interesting. Enjoy it
Credit: Seth's Blog 2019 October 6th