Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Multiple Apps | Google Contacts | Flip your classroom!

Tech tips | Install Multiple Apps at once!

Some times you wonder how will I keep all my “free” apps up-to-date? And how do I download them without the burden of installing spyware without my knowledge? Free apps or open source applications offer great alternatives for paid for productivity software.

If you work on a windows environment there are apps that you use all the time for example, Chrome, VLC, Adobe DC, Paint + just to mention a few. Secure by Design Inc. created a tool to help you install most of the common apps in a clean environment free of malicious software and bugs. To get to their website follow this link. []

For mac users, follow this link [] or [] these allow you to install multiple apps at the same time. For the Mac user, you will need to launch a terminal window and paste the link given after your selection. To launch terminal, go to the top right hand corner, click on the spotlight search, then type the word terminal, when the icon pops up, click to start terminal. You may need to enter your administrator password to allow the installation to proceed.

These websites allow you to keep your apps up-to-date, and if new software is added you can safely install it from here.

Google Contacts

Saving your contacts on Google makes life easy.  If your have a group of people who you call often,  If you would like to update your address book, let me know and I will email you the CSV file [instructions on how to upload at the end of this section] with WNS Faculty and Staff. When you get the CSV file upload it to your Google contacts. This then creates a new list called “imported” You can rename it or create a new group with an appropriate name for example : Office, Teachers, Parents and Guardians etc. Next time you sync your contacts on your [device] phone, the new group “office” will appear with the details of the people who were in the CSV file. For WNS I have already created this file with everybody’s phone number and current email address. 
Follow this link on how to import the CSV file into your Google contacts.

Flip your classroom!

Have your tried Blendspace? Another way to flip your classroom, sign up using your Google account [Your WNS email]. [] This allows you to create lessons that have digital content in them. Blendspace does work wit Edmodo but the in app support with will stop soon. Blendspace in itself is a great tool, so do give it a try.