Monday, 19 January 2015

Trees, Paper, Energy!

Perhaps when you hit the print icon from your productivity application you hardly think about saving
energy! well the more you hit Print the more energy you consume! The going green campaign enlightens you on how best to manage paper based print work. Did you know that every ton of paper translates to 17 trees? this is huge! if you think about it when was the last time you planted a tree to offset what you printed in the last year! So as the year unfolds consider to plant one or two trees to offset this disequilibrium.

Another way of saving energy, paper and trees is through planning your printing. If you can, print double sided. If you have a choice print to a more cost effective printer please do. For example in our Kenyan context, the cost of printing a single page using a typical box laser printer  (paper included) is approximately Kes 4.18 ( $1 = Kes = 90) in comparison to about Kes
2 when using an multi-function printer copier [MFP].

Printing technology has been changing rapidly, Since Johannes Gutenberg invented a machine that revolutionized the world, things have moved up a notch. Now rapid prototyping is a reality, you can imagine how this can impact teaching science, art, mathematics practically anything, there is only one small hitch before we order one... we need to break two banks to afford it! :)[$2500 for an entry level]

More about Printing

3D printer with an F1 race car prototype

  1. 3D printing and more[here.]
  2. How paper use impacts your bottom line [read ...]
  3. 3D Art [watch...]
  4. Paper Reduction act [read...]

3D printing Math encounter!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Go Google Drive!

Go Google Drive | take your files anywhere!

Welcome back! hope you had lots of fun over the Christmas holidays! As you settle into the new year and get re-acquainted to your technology or start using new stuff Santa gave you... having all your devices talk will be a simple must. Online collaboration is becoming increasingly popular and cloud based solutions are just everywhere. Looking at  Google, one of the products they have on their offering is Google Drive. Google drive allows you to have your own personal cloud storage. Some immediate benefits are; The ability to share you documents  easily and give the restrictions for access and modification. For business grade Google Drive has 30 GB of storage that can be accessed using the the Google drive app from any device that has access to the internet. Google also has some online productivity tools such as spreadsheets and word processing. The  beauty of  working off
these online tools is, once you start typing, the document is saved. 

When working with others, Google drive allows you to see who is currently working on the document at anytime.

Please watch these videos on how to get started:[Just follow the link]

  1. Meet Google DRIVE [Under 2 min]
  2. Go Google DRIVE [Under 2 min]
  3. This is Google DRIVE [Under 2 min]
  4. Explore Google DRIVE [Under 2 min]
  5. How Google Apps WORK [Under 2 min]
  6. Beginner's guide - Google Drive [16 Min]
  7. Google Drive  - a Complete User Guide [16 Min]